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  1. Court

    Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

    The mental illness part never bothered me so much, but, to me, Julia's character as a whole was just so pointless. I think it would be a tragic mistake for the writers to bring her back, especially if this ends up being the last season. It's just opening a can of worms that needs to stay closed...
  2. Court

    Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

    I have seen most of his movies. He was part of an ensemble cast in a made for TV movie back in the early 80's called Athens 1896: The First Olympics and I thought he did an outstanding job in that movie. Deadlocked is also a great picture that I wish they would release to DVD here in the...
  3. Court

    Grade Season 9

    8.5/10: I agree that it needed more H, and by that, I mean more of the H we all know and respect and less of the darkside H - I really hate that they failed to tie that lovely little loose end up. I loved the stories (with the exception of Jesse dying - I mean would it really have been so hard...
  4. Court

    Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

    A-MA-ZING job by David in the season 9 finale tonight.
  5. Court

    Episode 9x22 - 'Mayday' - ***CONTAINS SPOILERS ***

    :eek: Holy crap! :eek: This is going to be a looooooooooong summer.
  6. Court

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab** - Take Two

    100% percent agree with you there on both points. S6-7 and half of S8 were so blah that the show was getting hard to watch. This season has restored my faith in the series. :thumbsup:
  7. Court

    If you could bring one character back, who would it be?

    My hubby thinks they should bring back Rory Cochrane as Speedle's twin brother, Jim. I'm not even kidding. He has the whole plot mapped out and everything. ;)
  8. Court

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab** - Take Two

    Yeah, but as I recall, Marisol's headstone has her being born in 1979, which would make her roughly 28 when she married H. Personally, I just saw no chemistry in the Horatio/Marisol relationship, and part of that was she seemed too young for him. Perhaps it also had something to do with the...
  9. Court

    Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

    I would agree with your assessment of Kiss of Death. I love that film. If you truly look at the films he's done with an objective eye, you have to admit the David has this amazing range that really allows him to absorb the characters he plays. But the sad fact of the matter is that the...
  10. Court

    Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

    I know, it's pathetic how they have made DC a whipping boy over it, but we know how awesome he is. Everyone else is missing out by being so closed-minded about it. Anyone know why it is we can't post pictures in these threads?
  11. Court

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab** - Take Two

    Ah yes, I remember that. I, too loved House of D. Though I could see him writing CSIM with in a more humorous manner. In any case, I think having him at the helm of an ep has the potential to be totally win.
  12. Court

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab** - Take Two

    S3 - Syzegy i believe was the ep. ;) I wonder what Chris Carter would do if he were allowed to write and direct an ep of CSI: Miami? Or even Duchovny for that matter. Hmmm...
  13. Court

    Jesse/Eddie #1 - 'Today's My Last Day...'

    I heart Eddie. I will definitely be checking out his new show. :thumbsup:
  14. Court

    Adam/Eric #9 - 'The Perfect Diversion'

    He done good. :thumbsup:
  15. Court

    9x16 - 'Hunting Ground' - **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

    I am by no means a huge fan of Adam's, but I have found a new respect for him. I have to say that this ep was so many kinds of awesome, I can't even count 'em. :thumbsup: It was a great story and he did a fantastic job with it. I would even say that I think it is the best ep by far this season...
  16. Court

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab** - Take Two

    Personally, I could never buy her and Horatio romantically. Whenever I see her, I still see Jesse Spano from "Saved by the Bell" and that makes the whole scenario kinda icky. :shifty: I keep expecting Mario Lopez to show up and call her "mama". I would have rather seen Yelina come back, but...
  17. Court

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab** - Take Two

    Julia? Of all the people to bring back, they pick Julia? :rolleyes: Please, please, PLEASE God do NOT let her be the romantic interest TPTB hinted at for H. That whole fiasco is a trainwreck. :scream:
  18. Court

    Episode 9x15 - 'Blood Lust' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Wasn't the greatest episode, though excellent acting by Eva and Jon. :thumbsup: But the ep itself was totally predictable and kind of lame.:rolleyes: I knew as soon as the redhead's husband showed up that they were the killers. And with was up with H and the butterfly? :shifty: That was just...
  19. Court

    9x14 - 'Stoned Cold ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Am I the only one that thought this ep really resembled the movie "Heathers"? I kept expecting to see Shannen Doherty, Winona Ryder and Christian Slater. (I am probably dating myself bringing up a film from the 80's). Molly seemed a bit ditzy to me, not impressed so far. :shifty: Ep was good...
  20. Court

    9x14 - 'Stoned Cold ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    I, too, will be watching CSI: Miami Sunday night. :thumbsup: The Oscars have gotten so pompous over the years, Hollywood people need to lighten up substantially. :rolleyes: Looking forward to this episode, but I'm still skeptical about Molly Sloan. I wasn't a fan of Leven's on Grey's but I'm...