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  1. I

    Eric and Calleigh #34 - Heating up Miami

    Wow I haven't posted in a while... I agree with Ginnna. Eric and Calleigh first real fight will most likely be Jake. It just seems as though Jake is Calleigh's unfinished business. How can she fully commit to Eric (even if she is madly head over heels in love with him..) if her issue with Jake...
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    Eric and Calleigh #34 - Heating up Miami

    My Goodness! Even though this episode didn't have anything do with EC, it was great. I think I still have to use the spoiler tags sooo... All in All, this is why I love this show.
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    Eric/Calleigh romance - why we dislike it. **spoilers**

    I've read almost all of your posts and I can finally say how I feel. Obviously, I am an EC shipper. But I do agree with you guys and I can understand how you may feel. Unlike some of you, I have absolute faith that the writers will NOT put all focus on the EC relationship in every or almost...
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    Eric and Calleigh #34 - Heating up Miami

    Wow I haven't posted something in a while and I had to read a couple of pages before I got here. Glad I got that out of the way. Anyway, to put my 2 cents into some questions that were asked here.. About EC being in every episode, I don't think any of us would want the writers to exaggerate on...
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    Eric and Calleigh #34 - Heating up Miami

    I just saw the episode. I must say while I was waiting for their moment at the end I was very excited. Then after their beautiful moment, I got a LITTLE teary but surprisingly I wasn't ready to go jump around the walls. Did anyone else feel calm and peaceful. It seems silly but now I go to sleep...
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    Eric and Calleigh #34 - Heating up Miami

    Woooh. A couple more minutes. I thought it would never come! I am too excited. I don't know if I'll be able to type right after this episode...I might be jumping off the walls. And I don't think I'll be able to keep my eyes dry. I've been waiting for this moment since I first saw CSI Miami and...
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    Eric and Calleigh #34 - Heating up Miami

    Oh Man. Some Canadians get all the luck! I can't wait, only less than 40 minutes! I feel like this is the longest hour of my life! We'll be waiting a lifetime for this episode and than it'll feel like it was 10 minutes long. But I've been wondering...
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    Eric and Calleigh #34 - Heating up Miami

    Oh man did I miss it? I should've known ET would show something about them. I hope I didn't miss it but maybe someone will post it on youtube. Whooa. I just changed the channel and then WHAM! The extended promo is on! God is good to me.
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    Eric and Calleigh #34 - Heating up Miami

    I know. But in 2 and a half hours all our dreams will come true. I'm sorry I didn't greet you before Alexa but Hi! I just delurked myself, like yesterday. It's these wonderful promos. I couldn't control myself. I thought I could wait until at least after 10pm BUT as luck would have it...another...
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    Eric and Calleigh #34 - Heating up Miami

    3 hours and 10 minutes. I'm trying to pass time by playing music and watching EC videos. That usually works?
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    Eric and Calleigh #34 - Heating up Miami

    I noticed the same thing and I was going to mention it but you beat me to it. Only 5 1/2 hours until the best episode of my life. Of all the shows I've loved and all the ships I've supported, this is the first time my ship went canon. Well except for Angel, but then they killed off Cordy so my...
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    Eric and Calleigh #34 - Heating up Miami

    I know. I loved her interview. She knows how to play it cool even when they were talking about Caruso. What was Adam doing without a shirt?? Only 6 more hours until ONE of the best HipHugger episodes ever! Too excited, how can I pass the time?
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    Eric and Calleigh #34 - Heating up Miami

    Wow just as I was going to post, the promo comes on. I love life right now. Everyone is telling me to calm down and go outside or something. But I can't. Although I do want to go one wants to go with me. I kinda hope this storm keeps on going into tomorrow. I can definitely stand...
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    Eric and Calleigh #34 - Heating up Miami

    I am just too excited. And reading what you guys wrote is making me more excited. Less than 9 hours to go! Yippee. Today really is magical. First I wake up half an hour before my alarm (that wasn't the magical part) and someone calls me telling me no school is open. I look outside and its 8...
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    Eric and Calleigh #34 - Heating up Miami

    Oh Boy I just can't wait. Only about 19 and a half hours ! (I hope I did the math correctly) And people are telling me to go to sleep so tomorrow can come quicker...PSH Like that works. I am too wired up to be sleeping anyways. Even if I have school tomorrow. Which takes FOREVER-and-a-day. I...
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    Eric and Calleigh #34 - Heating up Miami

    I have a snow day too. I just hope it snows enough that all public transportation is shut down. That usually means me staying home and surfing the web for anything Hiphugger. :thumbsup:
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    Eric and Calleigh #34 - Heating up Miami

    Thanks delkolover! You make me all kinds of happy with your treats filled with Vitamin EC (I just thought of that).
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    Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:Miami

    Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: Miami I think I really like this thread. Lets do I begin?? I love any pairing with Calleigh except Horatio and sometimes Ryan. But my all time, never ending, forever-and-a-lifetime couple will always be EC. They just work. I gotta admit I started...