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  1. C

    Thrall II [Sequel, PG13, GSR, hints of g3 and Sandles, vamp]

    Okay, here be Thrall II. Before you read it, read the original Thrall. Seriously, please do. It's good, and you will have no idea what's going on otherwise. ---- thrall II- prologue (in which the stage is set) several thousand years ago, shortly before the rise of Greece- Helios walked to the...
  2. C

    "Fanfiction is how we survive the summer" [poem. not fic.]

    I wrote this over the summer and thought it was cute, so I was like "Hey, the peoples at CSIfiles would totally love this." So here it is. Please keep in mind that this is just tidbits from little fictions I picked up over the summer, and may not necessarily represent my actual views on the...
  3. C

    Star Trek: TNG

    OMG STAR TREK!!1 I have been watching Star Trek TNG reruns on Spike, and I love that show. :lol: So I was like, hey, I bet lots of CSI-philes watch this show too, since Naren Shankar's presence as a story editor must set their CSI-dars a-ringing. Well, anyway, this is for The Next Generation...
  4. C

    Grissom/Sara/Greg -- Smothered In SuGGar

    Hmm... This is new. I was writing a fiction yesterday and could not seem to decide if I wanted it to be Grissom/Sara, Grissom/Greg, or Greg/Sara, so I was like... hey, wouldn't it be neato if it were all three? And according to my ctrl+F "Find" window, nobody's done this before... so ha...