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  1. LoneWolfe001

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    Hi all, Its been ages since I have been on this site. Tell me is Catlover2x still writing Greg/Nick fiction (has there been an update to GSPD #8??). If so, where can I find it? Does the WMTDB site still active?
  2. LoneWolfe001

    Eric/Greg Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #10

    Can I suggest a theme too? How tall is Greg? I always imagined he had nice long legs. How about a leg theme? I would love to see those stems. LOL
  3. LoneWolfe001

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #37

    Aaaah thanks. Thats so sweet. It looks I lost the bet. I really thought Maverick had a black fur . Does George have more than one dog?
  4. LoneWolfe001

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

    After all these years do you think that Ryan Wolfe still looks like Greg Sanders?
  5. LoneWolfe001

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #37

    Hello, where can I find a pic of george & maverick?
  6. LoneWolfe001

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #11

    is he really engaged?
  7. LoneWolfe001

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    is WMTDB still up and running? I havent read a new Nick/Greg fic in months. It feels like this fandom is dying? Am I wrong? I wish CSI, what do a valentine eppie? after so many years together, I wonder if Nick & Greg still celebrate valentines day
  8. LoneWolfe001

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    Very cute Misfit. But considering the direction of the arrow, should'nt it be the south pole not north pole. Can anyone recommend any nick & greg christmas / summer holiday fics. Espicially one with kissing under the mistletoe *giggles* Happy Holidays everyone.
  9. LoneWolfe001

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    Hi guys, I was bored, and I decided to google Greg Sanders, and I ended up on Wikipedia ( OMG !!! Can you belive they describe Greg & Nick's relationship as brotherly *snorts with laughter*. Yeah right, since when do brothers perve...
  10. LoneWolfe001

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    Hi Guys, I am watching season 9, I am not so sure that Ray knows that Nick & Greg are a couple, but I am pretty sure he knows nick is gay. When Grissom left, he told Nick that Nick was his best student. I am sorry but if anyone was Grisssom's best student that would be Greg or maybe...
  11. LoneWolfe001

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    Hi guys, Sorry that I have been awol. I am currently watching season 9, we always knew Nick was gay, but I think the writers are now trying to subtely let everyone else know as well, first in "A space oddity", there was a guy that brought Nick an Astro Quest tape (he was clearly checking Nick...
  12. LoneWolfe001

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    I have a bad memory bad I do not recall anyone else calling him Greggo except Nick & now Catherine. It almost seems one sided. Nick always has a cute nickname for Greg. But the only nickname Greg used for Nick was Nicky (but everyone uses that). Maybe Greg was the one who gave Warrick the...
  13. LoneWolfe001

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    I hope "The Love" is not dying there has been no post for days and no new fanfiction either since WMTDB has been down. Lets start a discussion. Here a few topic ideas: 1) Do you think Nick is relieved that Riley is gone? 2) If Nick had a girlfriend, how do you think Greg would handle it? 3)...
  14. LoneWolfe001

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    I watched "The Grave Shift" (season 9). I cannot help noticing weird glances. LOL. There was a scene where Nick & Ray were walking down the corridor and Nick sees Greg & Riley in one of the rooms. He looks worried or concerned. He even turns around to look again. Wonder if he is concerned that...
  15. LoneWolfe001

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    Hi everyone, I just watched "Young Man with a Horn". It was great seeing Nick & Greg have a scene together (even if it was briefly). Couple of things I noticed: 1) Did you see the weird look Greg gave Nick, when Nick mentioned that the last time he was in the hood it was with Warrick. It...
  16. LoneWolfe001

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    I heard that there might be a CSI movie. Is that true? I really hope this means that the writers will have more freedom to give us more N/G slashy moments. *sigh* wouldnt it be great to see "The Love" on the big screen. I hope that Greg gets his fair share of screen time and of...
  17. LoneWolfe001

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    I watched Say Uncle (season 9). Nick looked pretty good with his balck edgy t-shirt and wrist band. Has Greg been dressing him again??? LOL I see that we can start nominating fics for the csi awards. has anyone sent in nominations???
  18. LoneWolfe001

    Eric/Greg Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #9

    aaaahh sweet happy birthday eric !! I wonder if Manson is ok with Eric being friends with his ex?? who knows? i hope this hasnt been posted yet, but here are more pics of that event: What is that satin thing around his neck?