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  1. Roka4csi

    Photos #6 - Lights, Camera, 'Snap'!

    Wow, some gorgeous ladies on talkCSI! You all look great. it's good to see who I've been communicating with on these forums. Keep them coming!
  2. Roka4csi

    You know you're (insert nationality here) when...

    :lol: I had a friend from Poland, I would also say you know you're Polish when you think your country is the lamest of all the European countries. You know you're Lebanese when you see a guy walking shirtless and you think "If he comes near my sisters, I'm calling my uncles."
  3. Roka4csi

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

    youre an effin moron. 40 dollars for something i didnt even buy? and a 30 dollar overcharge fee at the bank? for you to give me attitude on the phone you fartface? i hate america and its scams. i was never this ripped off in lebanon.
  4. Roka4csi

    Photos #6 - Lights, Camera, 'Snap'!

    *dies jealous* That's an awesome pic, I want to pose with Spongebob!
  5. Roka4csi

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

    I don't get why you keep talking to me. Don't my earphones and eyes glued to the computer tell you anything about how little interest I have in conversing with you? Why don't people get the freakin point. Shut your damn mouth before I shut it for you permanently. Also, it would help if you...
  6. Roka4csi

    Photos #6 - Lights, Camera, 'Snap'!

    Thanks egeria, but I was actually in Beirut, Lebanon there, in front of a building with some Ecuadorian services. No one else is posting pics anymore! :(
  7. Roka4csi

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

    You have no problem criticizing every job I choose to apply to, yet you won't step up to your responsibilities and find a way to support my sisters yourself. If you don't like what I'm doing, try to find a better way to support them and stop your petty nagging. You can't control my life or give...
  8. Roka4csi

    You know you're (insert nationality here) when...

    :lol: You see the bottom line is, no one is nor will ever be happy with their governments. Elected or not, they tend to suck the blood right out of you. I love Lebanon, but the stupidity of the government has made the people idiots. That's more than I can say about the US, since I got here I...
  9. Roka4csi

    You know you're (insert nationality here) when...

    But if you look at the bright side, you do have free healthcare. Sometimes elected officials are as much dictators as those we did not choose. Refer to Lebanon and the US governments for example.
  10. Roka4csi

    You know you're (insert nationality here) when...

    :lol: It sounded like an anthem too until I realized it's being sarcastic. I seriously thought people loved the royals in England, makes me feel stupid considering I studied political science for 3 years.
  11. Roka4csi

    You know you're (insert nationality here) when...

    :lol: You're the first British person I've come across who hates anything royal :lol:
  12. Roka4csi


    :O :O :O I LOVE REUNIONS!!!!!!!!!!! *hugs DaWacko*
  13. Roka4csi

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

    there's no such thing as family. and friends are all an illusion
  14. Roka4csi

    You know you're (insert nationality here) when...

    :lol: :lol: :lol: I love when people randomly "hi" someone in the middle of a sentence. You know you're Lebanese when you don't know it's morning until you smell the Arabic coffee boiling on the stove (even if you don't drink coffee, coffe = morning) You know you're Lebanese when you...
  15. Roka4csi

    Survival Of The Loners: Can You Make It On Your Own?

    I had asked something about that earlier, if anyone thinks it has something to do with our families, if its something genetic or just because our parents didn't encourage us to associate with people much.
  16. Roka4csi

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

    It was your carelessness that led us to this situation today. When they ask you for money and you come complaining to me, you won't get any sympathy, because I know they are suffering because of your irresponsibility. You're a child trapped in a grown man's body because you have never once...
  17. Roka4csi

    Survival Of The Loners: Can You Make It On Your Own?

    I also hope your heart's better now. I guess it doesn't matter if you're under their roof or not, as long as you're in the same country or state you're going to have them in your daily life. Since I moved here, I only call them once a week, I get too weak to hear their voices every day. I swear...
  18. Roka4csi


    Thank you! Geez, everyone's so much fun this time around.
  19. Roka4csi

    Survival Of The Loners: Can You Make It On Your Own?

    Strangely enough, as much as the loner in me adores having no one around to really physically talk to, and just sticking to my online "relationships", whether with friends or people on the forum, when I meet other loners, I want so bad to acquaint myself with them. You know, LisaSimpson I'm 22...
  20. Roka4csi

    You know you're (insert nationality here) when...

    Axelsonfire that's the coolest thing I've EVER seen. Milk bags :O I want to move to Canada just for that. Lisasimpson but YOU have the accent! I can't believe anyone could think we have an accent, it's so average. Yours is so... classy :drool:. Well, I should just give up on this, cause I keep...