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  1. Kohoutek

    8x02 - 'Hostile Takeover' **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

    I don't have anything to add except OH MY, Stetler is a handsome devil. Like a young Bobby De Niro... And yes, I thought Jesse Cardoza was good - a bit cheesy when he took his top off, but then he took his belt off and his trousers dropped down a little bit and I was in a pool of goo on the...
  2. Kohoutek

    "Family Affair" Tenth Season Premiere Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Apologies if any points I make have already been made, I'm still reading through the replies but wanted to get my thoughts down before I fogot them! I loved the beginning of the episode - such a shame that when it came around to the actual gun fight it was quite anti-climatic. Not too bad...
  3. Kohoutek

    Bones #2: The Jeffersonian Breakroom

    Oh, I loved it. It followed on from the season finale perfectly. The only thing that I'm a teeny bit disappointed about is:
  4. Kohoutek

    How I met your mother.

    It's, in my opinion, perfect. The amount of thought and love that goes in to the script and the characters is beautiful. I'm such a sap aren't I? :lol:
  5. Kohoutek

    How I met your mother.

    Just had to bump this thread as the Season 4 finale aired last night. I have to say, I've watched a lot of finales recently - Bones, CSI etc but HIMYM blew them all away (which, let's face it, wasn't that hard with The Ray Langston show). It was just the perfect example of how a finale...
  6. Kohoutek

    Bones #2: The Jeffersonian Breakroom

    Wow, it's taken me ages to get on here and post! But after two watches, and endless nitpicking and dissecting I'm ready with my 2 pence worth. I bet you can't wait. :lol: Right, I loved everyone being there together. It was cool to see Vincent and Zach interacting. As nerdy as VN-M is, he's...
  7. Kohoutek

    "All In" Season Finale Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I thought it was okay. Just like a lot of other people did too! The story was a bit convoluted, but I enjoyed a bit more "old vegas". I think Riley was in the right. If I had done something stupid and dangerous whilst at work, I would expect to be called up on it. As it happens, Ray ended...
  8. Kohoutek

    Grade 'Greater Good'

    I was a little unsettled by this episode. I didn't really like the fact that Mac seemed to be able to pick and choose who should go to prison. In the Vegas episode with the similar plot line, Catherine knew that the Grandfather was covering for his Grandson, and even though it killed her to do...
  9. Kohoutek

    The Buffy Thread

    Spider-Man is a Marvel character. Just googled Marvel Zombies vs Ash and it took me to this wikipedia page: They look BRILLIANT! :lol: Definitely an eBay purchase for the near future. A lack of funds has put a serious dent...
  10. Kohoutek

    The Buffy Thread

    Good call on the Ash/Bruce Campbell comics. The man is a modern day icon! I've never read them though, are they good? I heart the films. :thumbsup:
  11. Kohoutek

    The Buffy Thread

    Ooh, you should read the Angel comics then!! It makes the finale of Angel seem less terrible - gives the story more of a conclusion. Only it doesn't because the story is ongoing!! :) And they can still feature Lorne. :(
  12. Kohoutek

    Bones #2: The Jeffersonian Breakroom

    Maybe Sweets has finally admitted that Zach didn't kill anyone? :eek:
  13. Kohoutek

    Bones #2: The Jeffersonian Breakroom

    Just watched this weeks Bones! I love this programme more than life itself. :lol:
  14. Kohoutek

    How I met your mother.

    I thought Monday's episode was brilliant. It's a shame Alyson Hannigan is taking a break because of the baby, but Jason Segel and NPH more than made up for it on Monday. I was crying with laughter.... :lol:
  15. Kohoutek

    How I Met Your Mother

    Ah, sorry I looked but couldn't find one. :( Feel free to delete Mods - or keep up! Up to you. ;)
  16. Kohoutek

    The Buffy Thread

    I love Buffy too.... I don't even think I could pick a favourite character, I love them all so much. Except for Riley. God, he was boring. Even when he was trying to be exciting with the drug withdrawal and the feeding vampires he was still so BORING. Spike is brilliant, obviously. Love Willow...
  17. Kohoutek

    How I Met Your Mother

    There are only three shows I count down the days to each week. CSI, Bones and How I Met Your Mother... Bones has already got it's own thread here, and I'm sure CSI has somewhere... :p So, that leaves HIMYM. There have got to be some other fans of Barney and co out there, right? Right...
  18. Kohoutek


    Just finally watched the pilot of this. It was a bit "steady" but Nathan Fillion carried it. I'll be watching again just because he's brilliant. :lol:
  19. Kohoutek

    "If I Had A Hammer…" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I loved this ep! As soon as me and the husband got past sitting there going <ET voice> ELLIOOOTTTTTT </ET voice> at each other, it was brilliant. I loved the team work, I loved Catherine doubting herself but her gut telling her she was right... It had an almost CSI:Miami feeling at the end with...
  20. Kohoutek

    Quiz Thread #4

    I just have to thank you people for introducing me to sporcle! It's BRILLIANT! Just got 47/50 in the Monty Python's Holy Grail quiz.... *the shame*