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  1. C

    CSI: Trilogy Crossover

    Hey all - I'm so excited for this crossover thing happening in November. I think it's awesome that they're having the same case cross all the way from Miami to New York to Vegas - it's going to be so fun to see my favorite characters interact. Check out this preview I found...
  2. C

    Katharine McPhee on this week!

    Hey I just heard about this - Katharine McPhee is going to be on this week!! This preview looks like it's gonna be a great episode!
  3. C

    Pete Wentz & Ashley Simpson-Wentz this week!

    Pete Wentz & Ashlee Simpson-Wentz this week! I love it when shows mix 2 of my favorite things together!!! I love Fall Out Boy and I love me some CSI: NY!
  4. C

    Danny & Lindsay Get Married

    Finally, Danny & Lindsay are married. I was so excited when I saw this!!!