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  1. F

    Nick/Kelly- Don't Take It With You

    You guys don't have any imagination do you? I've been looking for a Kelly/Nick thread for three weeks! I happen to love this pairing. I hope you don't mind, becasue I know a few people who don't like it. Don't worry, I won't poison your minds, just expand them.
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    Sofia/Greg/Sara- I Guess We Have To Share...

    yeah, i couldn't help myself. i didn't see this threesome on the Shipper List and if it's already a ship, my bad. but if it's not... love! (credit's -x-liv
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    Crossover- Sofia/Don- Two Very Hot Detectives

    i decided to write a crossover fic. while i was in the process of doing so i came to realize that Sofia and Don look, really friggin cute together. now to some (mainly Lynn) i have too many ships, but i'm quite fond of this one and i'd like to think some of you need to expand your minds and join...
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    A Fiction Addiction.

    hi all! it's me, Liv here. telling you all that no matter what you ship, it's allrigh to put here! that and i just like excuses to show off my fiction! you're all wondering why have i created a Fanfiction thread? well, because i hapen to love fanfiction, and if you're on one of those CSI...
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    Ryan/Sara- The Replacements-Crossover

    i know the title is kinda mean, but they really are. besides both are angsty. i can totally picture Sara and Ryan together. at first she might think he's older than he looks because he's so much more mature *than some of the other people she works with* and he seems like he could be a good...
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    Greg/Calleigh - Brightening Your Day

    Greg and Calleigh...just make me happy. thee're both so cute and awsom. but even they have bad days... but because i pull ships out of thin air...i believe this one accually has a flying chance. Anybody? Anybody? So...if anyone besides me feels that this ship can take off, Have some fun! but...
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    Greg/Lindsay - He Lived Their First...

    this is a crossover pairing Greg and Lindsay together came to me at like one in the morning. we know Greg used to live in NY well, what if he knew Lindsay their? and i mean common... She's Cute He's Cute They're Cute what more proff do you want? besides we can call the ship S&M :devil...
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    Lady Heather/Greg #1- Bondage

    Lady Heather and Greg...who can forget when we first met Lady Heather, Greg revealed he like liquid latex...what if Lady Heather introduced it to him? i don't know about you, but i'm a fan of both Lady Heather and Greg, why not put the two together? you cause Bondage. Enjoy -x-liv
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    Archie/Sofia #1- He's Cute, She's Cute, They're Cute

    you must be thinking there is something wrong with me! 'obviously this girl is doing something that is to be found in the lab...what could she probably be on that we don't have?' nothing... Archie's cute- he's asian, he wares baggy pants, he has glasses, he's a dork, and he watches movies for a...
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    Ryan/Heather-Rocky Start

    you're all probably looking at this going, 'who the heck is Heather? She can't be talking about Lady Heather!' well... i'm not. Those of you who have seen 'One of Our Own' the season finally of s4 in CSI:Miami might remember a certain brunette who got under Ryan's skin. This is Heather Landrey...