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  1. S

    Brothers and Sisters

    in all Honesty I didnt think I was going to like this show but BOY was I wrong, great acting on all parties involved and as an added bonus the guy that Plays "Justin" is pretty Hot (hot and full of Angst what a combo) Who else agrees (I'll Post a Thread on my other new show "Six Degrees" On a...
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    the Big Move Snicker RP

    so far theres just a Sara and a Nick thats taken everyone else is up for grabs I'm going to go ahead and start so the girl playing Nick can respond feel free to Jump in as you please the basis of the RP Sara and Nick are together,she's five months pregnant and due to the fact that she doesnt...
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    The Return of Laura Sidle Snicker RP

    this is primarily just for Heather and I but You may all read if you liked just a summary Nick and Sara are together and Sara's mom comes back upsetting her thus causing Nick to tell Laura to leave (and Laura may get mad at him but you'll see) there will also be a sub story line where Nick and...
  4. S

    Favorite Movie qoutes

    I'm not sure if this has been done IF it has Mods close I know we have tv qoutes but heres one for favorite movie qoutes *clears throat* bare with me I have alot Practical Magic Gillian Possessed by Jimmy "I'm feeling Very into Sisters right now" Sally: Always throw spilled salt over your...
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    Angsty Snicker RP

    OKay this may be my last one for awhile since it seems theres alot of these lately (and this is another inspiration one) but basically Sara comes back to Vegas with a two year old Daughter (Inspired by my two year old niece) we find out later is Nicks is the gist of the RP In this particular RP...
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    Snicker RP -The Secrets out

    I know I had this one before but I figure we can make a new one with new people and Maybe have it go a different way the basis however still being Sara and Nicks secret relationship (and Secret pregnancy) coming out in the open so far theres just Sara-Me and Nick-SpeedMonkey2 all other...
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    Grissom/Lady Heather,Snicker and Greg and Wendy RP

    I've talked to a few of my friends and we decided to start a Grissom/Lady Heather, Nick/Sara and Greg/Wendy RP I'll be Sara and CatherinesMyIdol has agreed to be Heather all other characters are available
  8. S

    Life Changing Events (Snicker RP)

    Krystal (ILuvEricZsmandas) and I had discussed Making another Snicker RP she is Nick I'm Sara but we need the other characters so feel free ******************************** Sara stared at the Pregnancy test in her hand, a million different thoughts running through her head Mainly...