Search results

  1. Q

    Problem Girl (Cath/Sara slash)

    This is a fic I wanted to write after listening to Rob Thomas' Problem Girl for the millionth time :p I thought it would be interesting if Catherine and Sara met in their teenage years and formed a relationship. This was the result :D Just so you know, this is femslash ;) Hope you guys like it...
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    You Know You're Addicted To (insert actor name here) When...

    I had seen these threads on other boards and I figured why not have them here in the forums on TalkCSI? :p Of course, as always, mods, if there is a thread similar to this one, feel free to lock it. I didn't see any though so I thought I'd start one. This also includes the actor's characters...
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    There's No Sunshine When She's Gone (Snickers s7 finale fic)

    I wrote this for Chloe (4ENSIX) because she said she wanted a Snickers oneshot and I'm too impatient to wait for a resolution of Sara's fate until September 27 :lol: Hope you guys enjoy it (especially Chloe :p) --- “Nicky, go home—you’re not going to be able help to Sara if you’re passed out...
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    PMS: Round Two (Cath/Sara)

    You all had to have known it was coming :lol: Sequel to The Joys Of PMS :p --- “Cath, please, just come out, okay? If you come out I’ll make it worth your while…” “Oh for Christ’s sake Sara! Don’t cry and pull that crap with me, I’m the one that started that! Just leave me alone!” “Cath...
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    Feminism And The Portrayl Of Women In Media

    What do you guys think? Reading the latest copy of Bitch (a feminist magazine), it just reminded me of how poorly women have been portrayed in our society by the media. Every woman nowadays is expected to live up to insane expectations. One day my sister had to write a report in her Women's...
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    The Joys Of PMS (Cath/Sara)

    I've been feeling quite bitchy, so what better way to vent?? :lol: It all started with one little mark on the calendar—June 3rd. To the boys it was just another typical Wednesday. Catherine knew better than that—every month this ‘typical Wednesday’ was what she dreaded. It was what every woman...
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    The Art Of Breaking (Catherine/Sara friendship)

    Jeez, I've really been needing my Cath/Sara fix lately :lol: This fic takes place after Brass finishes the interrogation with the husband in Nesting Dolls :) --- “She never appreciated me.” How could anyone possibly appreciate someone like you? She thought to herself, watching as Brass made a...
  8. Q

    Letting Off Some Steam (Cath/Sara friendship)

    This is just a short one-chapter story I wrote for fun :) It's not set at any specific point in time. ---- She had found her in the police department’s weaponless training room looking about ready to kill someone. She didn’t think she had ever heard her swear so much in all the seven years of...
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    Told You So (Warrick/Sara challenge fic)

    This is another one-chapter fic I wrote as a challenge from Chloe (4ENSIX) :p The challenge criteria consisted of: - Must include Warrick and Sara. Any other characters are fine EXCEPT Ecklie. - Must include the phrase, "I told you this would happen." - Must include a hairbrush, a package of...
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    Whisper Sweet Nothings (Nick/Sara Empty Eyes fic)

    This is just a little one-chapter fic I wrote as a follow-up of 7x18, Empty Eyes. Hope you guys enjoy it! :) --- “It’s good that you were there for her, Sara. She didn’t have to die alone.” “We usually get there too late to meet the victim.” Her voice kept ringing through his ears and he...
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    Fonts, Resources & More!!!

    I thought it'd be a good idea to start a forum for people to be able to ask questions about fonts and resources for icons and other graphics :) For example, the infamous "Where did that font come from?" question :p *cough*Chloe*cough* ;)
  12. Q

    ~Jorja/Sara Art Thread~

    A Jorja/Sara thread for miscellaneous art :p (drawings, montages, wallpapers, collages, etc)! I just made this and I must say I'm quite pleased with it: .when it rains, it pours.
  13. Q

    LIMS Round 3:The Ultimate Test of Creativity-LIMS Winner Up!

    Hello everyone! I talked to cinegirl and she agreed to let me run the next LIMS :) There is a twist, however! Everyone can enter, but I'm going to do something to make things a little more interesting: You can only use CERTAIN resources in your software. That's right. That means one round you...
  14. Q

    [Old Wounds] Die Hard (Greg/Sara)

    Old wounds die hard. In the shower scene in 4x4, Greg stumbles upon some startling skeletons Sara thought she had locked away long ago. “Sara, I saw the bruises.” “What?” ”I saw the bruises and scars on your body.” “What are you talking about, Greg?” “I think you know what I’m talking...
  15. Q

    Silk, Silk, Silk (Cath/Sara Valentine's Day fic)

    This is just a fluffy little romance/humor Cath/Sara fic :p Sara Sidle hated Valentine’s Day. “I hate Valentine’s Day,” Sara mumbled as she walked into the department store with a huff. “It’s such a ridiculous holiday.” “Sara honey, don’t you think you’re being a little critical?” Catherine...
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    Little Miss Sunshine (GSR)

    This idea intrigued me very much when it came to me. I was listening to the ten o’clock news on TV one night and this interested me- a girl at a middle school told the police she was almost raped because she was going to have a quick rendezvous with her boyfriend in the bathroom and she was...
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    Now You Have Nothing [GSR Post Leaving Las Vegas]

    This is just a short GSR drabble post Leaving Las Vegas with some reference to Butterflied and Way To Go. I was just craving some GSR :p It's angsty and dark though, so... ;) Her bathrobe was thrown on the bed. Her kit was lying alone on the floor in the bedroom. Her side of the closet was...
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    Vegetarian thread

    Are there any vegetarians on the forum? I've just recently become a vegetarian because I couldn't stand the thought of cruelty to animals any longer. I've been a vegetarian now for 47 days. Did You Know? A Vegetarian Diet Is Good For You, Too! - Research has shown that vegetarians are 50...
  19. Q

    Off The Wall (Greg/Sara - Fannysmackin' fic)

    This is a little 'what-if' idea I had floating around in my head after seeing Fannysmackin' so I decided to write it! Hope you guys enjoy it :) Everything was a blur. It was all moving much too quickly for him to comprehend. But before he knew it they were up against the wall- he was against...
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    Feeling Her [GSR onshot]

    This was just a little something I cooked up real quick. I was bored and I had it written down in my notebook :) It's a Post-Committed piece about Grissom's thoughts (dreams) of what could have happened in the nurse's station. I hope you guys enjoy it! God there was so much blood… too much...