Recent content by Selah

  1. S

    Sofia/Sara slash - SalSa

    Re: Sofia/Sara slash. MiaCharlize: Thanks! I hate to see this thread died off.^^ RoosCSILover: Welcome aboard, it's always nice to see someone new pop up. :D
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    Sofia/Sara slash - SalSa

    Re: Sofia/Sara slash. It sure is quiet... I come bearing two icons.^^
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    Sofia/Sara slash - SalSa

    Re: Sofia/Sara slash? I just might once I get my stuff beta reas. :D
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    Sofia/Sara slash - SalSa

    Re: Sofia/Sara slash? Thanks, that's just as good. ^_~ I also noticed that there is a Sofia/Sara LJ community, I so didn't know that existed. :D
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    Sofia/Sara slash - SalSa

    Re: Sofia/Sara slash? So I'm guessing Passion and Perfection is a fanfiction archive of sorts? Care to toss the link? :D Well I'm all for having too ship names.^^
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    Sofia/Sara slash - SalSa

    Re: Sofia/Sara slash? Aggie: Thanks hun! forensicsgirl: *drools* That was simply wonderful, you did an amazing job! I just can't believe that was your first slash fic.^^ mne_nuzhna_ona: I'm curious to know what the other two cutest things are. :D
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    Sofia/Sara slash - SalSa

    Re: Sofia/Sara slash? *Squees* This was a pleasant surprise to find in my email inbox.^^ I simply adored it. Yeah the thread has been quiet lately. I've been busy with schoolwork.^^;; Which reminds me if anyone is interested I have a slew of Sofia/Sara icons here. I also have fanfiction to...
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    Sofia/Sara slash - SalSa

    Re: Sofia/Sara slash? ....So many possible outcomed. :D
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    Sofia/Sara slash - SalSa

    Re: Sofia/Sara slash? forensicsgirl: Oh you mean this scene? :D
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    Sofia/Sara slash - SalSa

    Re: Sofia/Sara slash? :D I know suddenly Salsa has became quite a good name.^^
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    Sofia/Sara slash - SalSa

    Re: Sofia/Sara slash? IHeartEric: Thanks! Aggie: I'm glad you liked them.^^ forensicsgirl I'll forgive you. :lol: Glad you liked them. I'm warming up to the idea of Salsa as well :lol: I can see them dancing salsa, *runs off to write a fic about it*
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    Sofia/Sara slash - SalSa

    Re: Sofia/Sara slash? Finished the blend, would have been done earlier but schoolwork decided to come back with a vegence. You can see it below, I made it small since, the images used weren't very big. Since I took so long, I did another blend too, one from the scene where there walking down...
  13. S

    Gil & Sofia #2-Let's have dinner. Shall we?

    Well this is my first post at this thread and I come bearing a present. Click on the link to see a blend I made, it was orginally part of a header that was posted at my icon journal @ LJ Click Me!
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    Sofia/Sara slash - SalSa

    Re: Sofia/Sara slash? I second that fic, it made me laugh. :lol:
  15. S

    Sofia/Sara slash - SalSa

    Re: Sofia/Sara slash? Thanks! I mean I woke up one day and this pairing just came to mind after watching the first episode of this season.^^